JAX-RS Annotation
The @Path annotation is used to specify the URI through which a resource and an API can be accessed. Resource in this case is the REST Web service itself. @Path("/").
public class MessageReceiveService {
public Response printBdayMessage(){
@GET - If service method is returning data based on client request.
@POST - If you want to store the data
@PUT -If you want to modify the data
@DELETE - If you want to delete
public String hello(@QueryParam("name1") String name, @QueryParam("age1") int age){
return "Hello ..."+name+" age="+age;
public class HelloService{
public String sayHello(@Pathparam("name1") String name, @QueryParam("age1") int age){
return "Hello ..."+name+" age="+age;
It is similar to QueryParam but in URL variables will be seperated by semicoloun.
public Response addUser(
@FormParam("name") String name,
@FormParam("age") int age) {
return Response.status(200)
.entity("addUser is called, name : " + name + ", age : " + age)
@Consumes annotation specifies the list of media types consumed by a particular API or class
@Produces annotation specifies the list of the media types produced by a particular API or class